广诚乐雅玩具礼品厂座落于中国广东的“工艺礼品玩具城”——澄海。本厂是一家专业买卖库存玩具的商家,从创业以来,我们一直秉承着“诚实守信为基础,质优价廉为手段,公平交易为宗旨”的的经营理念,与时俱进!经过十年来不断努力,已成为4库存大仓库和3个连锁批发档口的玩具厂商。产品远销欧美各国和全国各地。博得了库存玩具行内外客户朋友的认可与肯定。欢迎海内外客商朋友光临指导!我们将以最好的服务,最优的质量,最实在的价格与你真诚合作!希望凭借“阿里”的舞台与你携手共赢!本厂产品范围:库存塑料玩具、芭比娃娃,圣诞礼品毛绒玩具、及各种布类节日礼品。 Shantou guang cheng craft jewelry factory is specialized in producing handicrafts, jewelry, toys, handbags, shopping bags and many other types of production factory. The production of products: pottery, cloth crafts, needle hook deserves a column, beaded deserves a column Resin Technology deserves a column, wood craft deserves a column, shopping bags handbag.The company specializes in environmentally friendly shopping bags, products, with beautiful costumes, large, folded small, easy to carry, suitable for supermarket, shops, home and travel use. Shantou Hong Xin craft jewelry factory of paternity with you. Tel: 0754-85894087. Chinese Domain Name: guangcheng Technology.comE-mail: dacheng04@163.com English Network Name: www.http://haodi2012.cn.alibaba.com |